Sep                 Release at Twin Swamps Nature Reserve

Oct                  World Animal Day at Piney Lakes

Jan                 Recovery Team meeting, presentation to Rockingham Garden Club

Feb                 Wetlands Conference

Mar                 presentation to CWA Edgewater, People at Place Ellenbrook, Launch of Scitech’s Particle, Connect fair

Apr                 presentation to CWA Perth

May                presentations to Beechboro Christian School and Swan Christian College, Living Landscapes Conference,

June               Ellen Stirling Primary School Earth Day, Banksia Woodland Conference

Aug                presentations to Hampton Bush Rangers, Dianella Primary College,  Bullsbrook Residents and Ratepayers Association, Swan Valley Christian College, Ellenbrook Primary School (all classes over 2 days) and Northshore Christian Grammar School at Alkimos. Planting Ellen Brook Nature Reserve.

Sep                 Bindoon Junior Landcare Expo,  Carey Baptist College, Forrestdale. New member Oliver attended the release at Moore River on very short notice as our representative.


Cathy Levett’s wonderful book, Westy, is now being printed and will be distributed over 4th Term.

Signs for the Bullsbrook History Museum are also underway, with placement scheduled for early 2018.

In 2015 we held an Art Competition for an image to be placed on drain stickers, and last year we glued some of the drain stickers to the curbs in the local vicinity with Caversham PS and Aveley PS. This project continued with Ellen Stirling in September, and Ellenbrook PS Bushrangers want to set a date for October.


Margaret River Chocolate Factory has once again donated from the proceeds of the sale of chocolate tortoises – $5000

Andrew Triglavcanin has once again arranged for a donation tin at Grill’d in Mt Lawley for the month of September.

Our display is visiting Libraries in the Swan Valley, with the new Bullsbrook Library its first venue.

Many media interviews thanks to local reporter Lisa Thomas. Some tv coverage of releases.

Over 1000 volunteer hours recorded at DBCA by Friends of the Western Swamp Tortoise group.

Western Swamp Tortoise